Renee Prusi, a reporter from the Mining Journal newspaper in Marquette, Michigan, wrote a piece about Rabbit Island in today’s paper.  Many thanks Renee. 

Here is an excerpt:  

“Rabbit Island, some 91 acres, is located between L’Anse and the Keweenaw Peninsula or Big Bay and the Keweenaw, Gorski explained.

“Given my heritage, my ties to the local community, my family’s history, (the island) tied in perfectly.

“My grandfather called it Rabbit Island. That’s the main reason (for the name). On the map, it is Traverse Island but many locals call it Rabbit Island as it is adjacent to Rabbit Bay on the Keweenaw. I like the way it sounded and that my grandfather knew it as such, so I went with it. I think it sounds nice. That is it in a nutshell. There are also rabbits out there.

The full article can be read here
