About the Rabbit Island 2024 Residency Selection Process

Following the application deadline all 313 applications were made available for review to the seven member Selection Committee. All members were invited to make notes and to provide feedback as the first round of the review process began. From April 16 – 25, 2025, four members of the committee took the lead in reviewing all 313 applications in detail. Together they read each artist statement and proposal; reviewed the work samples; and visited the links provided in each submission. At the end of this first round of review, an initial shortlist of 43 exemplary applications was created.

These 43 shortlisted applications were compiled into a new folder for the Selection Committee to review in detail. From April 25 – 29, 2024, members of the committee independently reviewed the initial shortlist and selected the 10 applications they felt were the strongest, with the opportunity to add any application from the total pool of 313 that they thought needed a closer look. On the evening of April 29, the seven member committee met via videoconference and deliberated for several hours to reach a finalist list of 10 applications.

Finalists were interviewed on May 3 – 4, 2024. After the interview process and brief discussion, the Selection Committee felt strongly in favor of many of the finalists applications and scheduled an additional day of deliberations. The committee met via videoconference on May 5, 2024, and discussed individual Finalists at length. After submitting ranked-choice votes and discussing the results, the committee ultimately awarded three residencies for the 2024 program season. These residents will be announced in the second week of May.

Rabbit Island 2024 Residency Selection Committee
Beau Carey, 2015 Resident, Artist
Claudia O'Steen, 2021–22 Resident, Artist
Juliana Cerqueira Leite, 2020 Visitor, Artist
Kelly Gregory, 2016 Resident, Architect/Artist
Lucía Hinojosa Gaxiola, 2021–22 Resident, Artist
Rob Gorski, Cofounder/President
Andrew Ranville, Cofounder/Director, Artist
