Good poster.  It is all over New York right now.  Reorganization is definitely destined to become a central idea in our civic lives.  Conservation as the endpoint needs to give way to the broader idea of reorganization as we more fully realize the historical misalignment of land development relative to science and art by society.  It is pretty clear that in the context of a globe that has been crisscrossed by subdivision at every temperate latitude, the low hanging fruit of simple conservation has been picked and the results have been only partially successful in terms of any larger conceptual framework.  The argument for a movement towards reorganization (in America especially) is pretty basic; our national westward development trend and historical culture of subdivision (and individual liberty) outpaced our scientific knowledge and governmental organization by several hundred years, leaving us with an undesigned hodge-podge mosaic that is not aligned with contemporary understanding of ecological fundamentals.  (Who knew at the time that the picket fence dream and a middle finger towards anything collective would slowly undermine the equally American pillar of nature?)  It isn’t very stylish.  It isn’t organized neatly.  It isn’t serving the spirit of the people well.  We need a redo.  This is especially so east of the Rockies and west of the Sierras.  Maybe the Guggenheim Lab could make a stop at Rabbit Island.  There isn’t a Whole Foods across the street but whatever.  We’ll figure something out.  
